Efforts of Prof. Baldwin and Reham Hosny are spotlighted in the Arabic Media

Many Egyptian and Arabic journals celebrate the efforts exerted by prof. Baldwin, professor of e-lit at RIT, New York, and Reham Hosny, visiting scholar at RIT, in the field of Arabic e-lit. The following are some links to these journals: http://gate.ahram.org.eg/News/1152972.aspx http://www.middle-east-online.com/?id=228087 http://gate.ahram.org.eg/News/1101316.aspx http://www.ueimag.co.vu/2016/06/blog-post_857.html http://www.middle-east-online.com/?id=227580

Arabic E-Lit(AEL) in the ELO 2016

“Arabic E-Lit(AEL): A Network for Artists and Scholars” is the title of the poster presented by Reham Hosny in the ELO Conference at Victoria University, Canada. Reham presented the history of Arabic e-lit, samples of some Arabic texts and pictures of some Arab e-lit writers. Additionally, Reham presented a paper entitled” Arabic E-Lit Pedagogy: Status … More Arabic E-Lit(AEL) in the ELO 2016